Youngblut Ag has an ATV equipped with RTK GPS utilizing the DigiFarm VBN to provide you with the most accurate field boundaries no matter your location. Having an accurate field boundary that doesn’t drift from year to year can help you utilize your precision ag tools to the fullest. This is eliminate planting through waterways and help make sure you don’t accidentally burn them off with a sprayer.
You can also have your field soil sampled with GPS so that we are able to help you build a fertilizer recommendation or find out why a certain area isn’t doing that great. This is the best way for you to find out what is going on in your field and start to micromanage it. It is also a very quick and easy way for you to keep a lot of money in your pocket by only putting on what the field needs where it needs it and not where it doesn’t. We can sample your fields on any grid size that you like as well as do zone sampling if you prefer.
Youngblut Ag in conjunction with Len Youngblut Farms offers custom application of all of your herbicides, insecticides and fungicides to keep you fields clean and healthy throughout the entire growing season. Utilizing a Miller Nitro High Clearance applicator they are able to cover your field at almost any time of the growing season. With 30+ years combine experience in the industry we are capable of applying your product efficiently and correctly. We utilize Ag Leader product control and Norac Boom height control to make sure that the right rate is on the right acre and that the product is applied evenly with minimal drift. To top it off when the application is done you will have access to full spray reports that document all of the required information for your field.
Whether it’s a load of corn to Cedar Rapids or a load of gravel from the local quarry, we can help. We keep our trucks ready to go and will work with you to meet your needs.